Sunday, 19 June 2016

Plymouth Ravens

Theres a place in the heart of Plymouth where creatures like rabbits, buzzards, and crows thrive. A place that is so wildly overgrown its easy to pretend you have been transported to the edge of some country village.
Central park is also the home of two huge ravens, who roost in a tall dark tree overlooking the cemetery. I just couldn't believe it the first time I saw one,  I always thought they were only found in places the mountains of wales. And of course the tower of London. One reason for their success must surely come from a woman I met today, who says she has been feeding them raw chicken every day for 19 years. Apparently they wont go near anyone else but they come right up to her, along with the buzzards. What an amazing and expensive hobby! 
these first two photos are of a raven in their special tree and the last two are of crows. I hope one day to take a picture of both ravens and crows in the same photo to show the amazing size difference, but today they seemed a little wet and grumpy to do anything other than huddle in their tree. And to be honest I was a little too wet and soggy to stay out that long.

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