Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Jewellery made from Seaweed

Hello! I just thought I would update you on some of the jewellery I have been making recently. I have been focussing on using seaweed to create biodegradable jewellery, and have developed two ways to work with it: sewing the air pockets of Knotted wrack seaweed onto fabric, and making bioplastic beads using agar (made from red seaweed. Here are a few images:

This pendant was made by sewing knotted wrack seaweed air pockets onto velvet with silk thread. It hangs on a leather cord and is almost all biodegradable. I have created tear shapes from sea glass from
the same beach as the seaweed, which are sewn into the velvet, and although these are not biodegradable, they can be thrown into the sea once finished with, where they will slowly break back down into sand and become part of the landscape.

I made this bracelet using the sewn seaweed air pockets. To make this piece biodegradable, it is made from all natural materials: cotton, silk and angora wool from my rabbit Mossy.

Here are some samples of my seaweed bioplastic with different natural colours. The bottom left is turmeric, the bottom right is red cabbage, the top left is red cabbage and vinegar, and the top left is red cabbage and baking powder. I took a long time to develop this, with much experimentation and discussing smells, but have come up with a recipe that does not smell, and will not dissolve in water. It is also biodegradable.

These beads are made from the seaweed bioplastic.When they are fresh they are bouncy and shiny, however, once they dry, they become hollow and have a light catching quality.

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